AIMSCO’s no-code continuous improvement tools deliver industry leading results
Say goodbye to paper with AIMSCO’s eChecksheets™
Gain continuous improvement insight in real-time with AIMSCO’s Power Plant™

AIMSCO delivers unprecedented continuous improvement results for manufacturers with no-code eChecksheets™

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Configurable workflows for inspection, repair, sign-off, material tracking, disposition.

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Diverse, intuitive and responsive user interfaces and automated data collection options.

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Dynamic dashboards, portals, scorecards, navigators and configurable alerts.

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Structured problem solving, agile change management, machine learning.

Cloud-based eChecksheets™ Power an Open and Modular Approach to Rapid Continuous Improvement.

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The Power of eChecksheets™ ​

Check sheets are a standard tool across manufacturing for data collection in real time at the point of observation. Popularized by Kaoru Ishikawa in the 1960’s, Check Sheets have been used by millions of organizations throughout industry for decades to manually capture data on paper or internally developed applications.

AIMSCO eChecksheets™ (eCS) are a digital cloud-based version of this standard method to collect a variety of production, quality, visual and process data in real time at point-of-use providing instant visibility. eCS can be quickly built and deployed at a single site or across multiple plants and support multiple languages. Learn More…

Built with an extensive library of industrial eCheckitems™ (eCI), eCS are managed by key users to implement data collection and continuous improvement initiatives. In addition to manual data capture, eCI can be automatically populated by equipment interfaces (IoT) or enterprise systems through standard web service interfaces.

Leveraging the Microsoft Azure Cloud, AIMSCO Power Plant™ services integrate eCS data seamlessly with Microsoft Power BI® through custom data models for advanced analytics and process visualization.

The AIMSCO Advantage

AIMSCO eChecksheets™ (eCS) are deployed globally by industry leading companies to drive continuous improvement in their production and quality operations.  With billions of operating records collected, AIMSCO eCS is the leading cloud-based, digital check sheet platform, delivering the tools for transformation essential for today’s high performing plants.   AIMSCO cloud-based eChecksheets empower Industry 4.0 initiatives across many industries including construction, transportation, environmental and durable goods manufacturers.

AIMSCO’s exclusive, no-code eCS Builder™ offers manufacturers and industrial companies a quick and easy approach to extend existing MES / QMS / ERP applications, or to build self-service MES and QM systems suited to their exact needs.  Learn More…

Streamlining deployment further, the AIMSCO eCS platform is open and supports integration with industry-leading IoT and equipment interface protocols, enterprise applications and analytics engines, closing the continuous improvement loop in real-time.

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Trademark Notice
AIMSCO Integrator™, AIMSCO MLM™, AIMSCO eChecksheets™, AIMSCO eCheckItems™, AIMSCO Power Plant™, AIMSCO S-Cube™, AIMSCO eCS Builder™, AIMSCO Process Builder™ are trademarks of AIMSCO. Any other product or company names given are for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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